A new day dawns

 I was quite excited when Master allowed me to start a blog, I had all these ideas and thoughts of what I could write, and now I'm sat here wandering what to write! after much consideration I thought I would approach this much like keeping a personal diary although I have never kept one myself.

A good start would be I should think with a little about Master and myself, should anyone read this, it would be helpful to know somewhat about who they are reading about.

We have been together 22 years, married for 20 living as Master and slave, we have 4 children and live in England, I don't work outside the home and haven't for a while now, we did things backwards, one might say, I worked part-time whilst the children were all at school, and when our last child was in their final year at secondary school Master made the decision that I should stop working and be home full-time.

This was not an issue for me, I am quite service orientated and enjoy looking after the home, cooking, and being attentive to Master's needs and his expectations of me regardless of whether he is at home or at work, I would like to say this is achieved successfully and on a consistent basis but that would not be accurate, however I do strive for the most part to improve where and when it is needed.

My Master is a sadist, and although I don't consider myself a masochist in the respect that I don't get aroused from pain I do find it settles me, however we don't engage in bdsm as much as we used to, it happens as and when Master feels like it, but is just a small part of how we live and certainly not an important part.

What is important?  I don't think I can give a clear answer, what's important is made up of little things, my slavery is defined by how Master wants it to look like, and though I have chosen and continue to choose to submit to him it's complete surrender that he demands, and these are made up of moments, lots of little but perhaps at times significant moments whereby I don't often recognise they are happening but Master does.

Now that I have started to write this, I have a clearer idea of where I'm going, but for now where I am going is to the kitchen, dinner does not cook itself.


  1. Welcome to blogging Claire! I saw your comments on Windy's and Morningstars blogs. I look forward to reading more from you.


    1. Hello willie,

      Thank you very much for the welcome, I'm navigating myself around by clicking on people's links on comments, of which I am now going to head towards yours :)



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