Peeking behind the blinds

I spent a little while yesterday reading blogs, navigating myself around by clicking on people's links in the comments, because to be truthful I have no idea how else to do it, then I couldn't work out how to follow a blog until someone kindly helped me.  Oh and I also have to work out about doing a blog roll, which would certainly make it easier for me to find the blogs I enjoy reading so far and ones I might discover in the future.

As we lay in bed last night, I was talking to Master about the posts I had read, and how I was enjoying listening to people about their experiences/their thoughts, I think listening is an apt word to use because although it's writing it's still people behind that writing opening themselves up and allowing others glimpses into their life, well that's how I look at it.

I was concerned when I started this myself about how much information is too much, in respect of the not 'normal' aspects of how we live but Master said to remember that this was for me, I should write for me, and I shouldn't shy away from what's on my mind or whatever comes to mind to write about, and I should not feel in any way ashamed, and I don't but yeah there is that element of being unsure! however with that he then gave me conditions on what is out of bounds, but he didn't need to it's no different to subjects he prefers me to not be a part of in daily life.

So, what's on my mind this late afternoon is what happened this morning, I should maybe backtrack to how the events of this morning took the turn they did.  The previous morning our son and I were in the kitchen talking and I was saying to him about how it was taking me longer to do the chores in the kitchen, longer than usual which meant that it then had impact on getting to other chores much later, it was just conversation and Master walked in on said conversation halfway through.

And he took interest, too much interest, to the point I sensed where this might go and so I tried to take conversation to another topic, nope he wasn't letting this drop, our son left for college Master sat at the island and asked me to explain the problem, nope it's not a problem I was just chatting! really it's no big deal, and again nope he wasn't going to be deterred, and starts an interrogation, he wants every single detail, and so it all spills out.  Right, so, because of covid I was taking extra precautions with cleaning, like wiping down cupboard doors, handles etc, something I would usually do on a weekly basis rather than daily, unless needed.  But, what I was really pained to admit to, but did, was that actually what was causing me to take longer was the garden!

Our kitchen is at the back of the house and overlooks the garden, of which part of it is a nature garden, I had always wanted a section of garden for that purpose, and Master for my birthday last year made it happen, it's full of wild flowers, tall grass, bug hotels, hedgehog hotels, bird feeders, we have a badger visiting in the late evenings, and a small pond it's lovely and as was the purpose of it, it is attracting nature, it also attracts my attention, and I find myself looking out at the birds.. and loosing time.

So, as I correctly anticipated Master decided he would 'help' me with this problem, I successfully held down a groan, he wanted to know how long it used to take me to complete the chores compared to now, and had me write a list of all said chores that needed to be done the following morning.

Consequently this morning I found myself doing the kitchen chores wearing nipple clamps, and the bloody clover ones, not my favourite, well pretty much any form of nipple torture I'm not a fan of at all, this is Master's way of helping!

He put them on, deep breathes, damn I hate them, and he proceeded to explain that they would stay on until all chores in the kitchen were completed, furthermore he would come and check on my progress in half an hour and if not completed he would add weights and for every 10 minutes from then he would add more.

I smiled, "yes Master" although I think perhaps my smile bore more of a resemblance to the clown from the film It rather than that of a sweet, compliant slave!  darn did I move, the pain does eventually settle, I couldn't focus on knowing they had to come off at some point because I needed get going, I did get one set of weights added, of which I really couldn't distract myself from because every movement had them swinging, so it was either move quickly and endure the pain or move slower and risk having more added, I went for moving quicker.

End result, kitchen was tidied and cleaned in record time, I went to Master's study, kneeled waiting for him to acknowledge me, when he finally did and beckoned me to him, hands behind my back he removed the clamps, asking if I thought I would need further help tomorrow morning, "no, Master I shall keep the blinds down to avoid distraction until I have finished in the kitchen, but thankyou" that made him chuckle.


  1. I've read through the first few posts... and am glad you're finding your way around our community. You'll see from some of our blogs that we started out with a lot of BDSM / Ds talk / topics... but over time we've developed somewhat into real "journals" about kids, life, parents, ageing, weight gain, health, fashion, shopping and everything else that REAL life entails. If you ever feel the need / prompt to talk about anything OTHER than your M/s life please go right ahead. Or if you feel it's not relevant to the blog, then let me just say IT IS! Anything about you that you feel you want to share is relevant. Hoping this advice will save you some "wondering" should the day ever come you want to just talk about dirty socks or whatever LOL.

    I'm looking forward to reading more of your story. Thanks for stopping by my place. See you around!

    (Oh I have a word cloud / tags on the right of my blog so if the mundane day-today stuff gets boring, click on some of the old posts. Earlier ones have more D/s and personal exploration of our TTWD, and I also have a "summary" page at the top of the blog for some background information about me.)

    1. hi ya Fondles,

      Thank you, it's been enjoyable to read others and see the varied discussions, and that it's not all so serious but yet real, real stuff that goes on in people lives, I'm finding in the few posts I have made that I tend to drift off in a different direction than where I was originally going.

      Oh and dirty socks are not an issue here its the ones that disappear that gets to me, I have a bag full of individual socks waiting to be reunited with their partner :)

  2. Sounds like your garden is a place I would be envious of- especially now as mine has just been cleared of snow and is a huge mud puddle at the moment, LOL!

    It has been a very long time since B has used nipple clamps, and thankfully we do not own clover ones! There is something about removal ( whether it be the pain of clamps or the ....not sure what word to use here, _______ of plugs ) that plays in my mind more than the act of using them most times.

    I know that a lot of the blogs you have come across so far, or sorry where I have 'seen' you, might not discuss a lot of what you live, but there are some of us out there- LOL. Often I write more about what is in my mind and what I am trying to deal with rather than what has physically taken place at our home, but trust me you're not alone ;). My husband likes to hurt me for his pleasure, not mine LOL but it does go a long way for my submission, surrendering to his will especially in the ultimate way. Though I will say that often non painful things will get me there too! We do practice rituals and protocols, though they seem to be more lax lately due to his exhaustion and life with Covid (he deals with the public).

    Anyway, people always say write what you want when you start a blog, and of course that is true, but sometimes writing what we want can also make us feel like a fish out of water- please don't ever let that happen, or at least take root too long. I for one am really looking forward to reading about your life together. B and I started this life 9 years ago via Dd originally, and it is encouraging to find a blogger who is willing to share their experiences so many years in and who lives (what appears so far) to be a life similar to mine- I too stay at home and have 3 kids in or just out of college, as well as the sleeping on the floor stuff...LOL

    Good luck with all of this writing business!


    1. Hi willie,

      You can envy my garden I'm going to envy you having had snow, we very rarely get it here, and I enjoy it, probably because of the fact that we don't get it often so when we do I make the most of it, and oh yes would be out there making a snowman :)

      It's the same here in regards to pain, quite often when it does happen it's for my Master's enjoyment, because he likes it, that's not to say I dislike every aspect of it, some parts I do, a conflict I used to have is does he enjoy it more when I don't? he has said sometimes that is the case and oh how I struggled with that, it left me quite conflicted, and at times even now I have little niggles about it.

      Oh I'm so happy to hear you mention protocols and rituals we have them too, and I consider them important because I think they give a sense of consistency as well as having routine/structure.

      If I may ask have you enjoyed staying at home? I have, I know it's not for some, but what a boring place life would be if were all the same!

      thank you willie

    2. I have been a stay at home Mom since our oldest was born 23 years ago- so unlike you, from what I read it isn't anything new or shocking. I chose it. I've never longed for anything else. Admittedly it is far more enjoyable during seasons where I can get outside or the couple of months leading up to Christmas.

      As for snow, the novelty wears off a few months in, trust me! And there aren't that many days if the year where the snow is optimal for making a snowman. The temps have to be near the freezing mark and in Ontario in the winter that isn't often.

      The pain thing, long before B discovered he liked it or was willing to admit it, I had befriended a couple he is a Sadist and she not a Masochist. It helped me better understand the struggles at least he had exploring this part of him. I only wish I had the grace and security to accept things the way she appears to. Something to strive for I suppose.

  3. Hello claire !!! Welcome to the world of blogging :) I thought I would add you to my blog roll - unless you don't want me to?!

    It took me a couple of days to track you down :) BUT I did !! just a thought about blogging -- you agreed with my statement about not comparing your relationship to another's... take the same attitude with blogging - write for yourself... what's in YOUR heart/mind...

    look forward to reading more from you :)

    1. hello morningstar,

      thank you, I don't mind at all, and I must sort out doing one myself, will make things easier.

      Oh you caught me out there :) well, reading around other's blogs, the writing seems to flow well, with confidence and other than writing the odd letter or email, I haven't that I can recall wrote anything since I left school! which is more years than I care to dwell on.

      But, I am enjoying reading around, and that so far in the little time I have spent looking around there is no judgement of how people live their lives in whatever way they choose to or an attitude of being 'better' than anyone else, and that's refreshing.

  4. Hi Windy,

    I do love the garden and enjoy spending time out in it, when weather permits, which being in the UK is not that often, I am however in no way great at gardening myself, my dad looks after it, unfortunately I did not inherit his 'greenfingers'.

  5. Hello. Just popping over from Fondles' blog to say hi. :)

    Re: your sack of unwed socks, per a comment above -- I have determined that somewhere lurking behind my clothes dryer is a ravenous sock monster made of lint and yarn. It feasts only on singlets and finds joy in wreaking havoc on matching feet! ;)

    1. hello Mrs Fever, and thankyou for the visit :)

      Oh socks, you may very well be spot on, I shan't risk moving the dryer I'm not sure I want to know what might be found behind it! I'm actually sat here typing this with odd socks on, albeit intentionally, my daughter bought me a box of odd socks for Christmas last year :)

  6. Glad to see a new face here! Please come by New Beginnings any time. The garden sounds amazing. Glad you managed to get everything done in record time this morning and I hope you got to go out and enjoy it.

    1. Thank you PK, I will certainly do that, I'm enjoying reading of others experiences.

      I did get out in the garden today, not that I'm a great gardener, Im pretty sure I have put weed killer on plants that I shouldn't have!

  7. Well, hello Claire!

    Yay a new blog! Thank you!

    Your garden sounds so lovely.


    1. Hello Boo,

      Thank you for visiting and now I shall pop over to visit you :)

      I do love my garden, and today has been lovely weather so been making the most of it as looking out the window now it's gone overcast.

      thank you for the welcome

    2. Sorry Claire,

      I don't blog. I'm a horrible writer first off and second off, I have nothing to write about. Maybe one day. I can hope and wish!



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