Mission impossible! move over Tom Cruise I got this!

 Last weekend I started the task of emptying out the cupboard under the stairs, it goes quite far back and really needed doing, put it this way I found my daughters ski jacket aged 8-10 she is now 19, I know the shame, but that's how badly it needed doing, over the years it's been used as the "don't know where to put it, shove it under the stairs" by everyone in the house.

So, started enthusiastically, with the intention of separating into 3 piles, keep/throw out/charity shop, it didn't get to 3 piles, just lots of piles all stashed against the wall, it was one of those jobs that half-way through I regretted starting, it didn't help that as I was emptying the kids would discover some long lost items they really needed now, like their rollerblades which in no way would fit them now but hey ho with excitement 3 of them rushed off outside with them...yes off you go, cripple your feet just stay out my way.

Wednesday evening came and Master commented on the piles of stuff, I was actually quite shocked it had taken him this long to bring it up, he is I should say the ultimate organiser, stay still long enough you will be organised! so yes, he said he wanted it all cleared up by the time he got home Friday from work or we would be having a conversation (his way of saying "you will be punished" ) and to put the stuff for charity in the shed, that's reasonable, I can do that, plenty of time, well, yeah I left it until Friday morning, and on the Thursday I had been asked by a friend if I wanted to meet for lunch on the Friday which he said I could, so now the clock was ticking!

Woke up, once he had been washed and blow-jobbed, rushed into the kitchen, made his breakfast, scrambled egg and smoked salmon, I even got some parsley out the garden to add a bit of garnish, look at me being so attentive...damn I'm good, no I'm just creeping in the futile forward planning that should something go awry today I can say a little something in my defence "don't forget the effort I made with the parsley" never under estimate the little things!

Asked him if I could go ahead and walk the dog whilst he was eating, usually we sit and talk over breakfast, but I'm on a schedule, need to crack on, yep, great, gave him a kiss because he would be gone by the time I got back, grabbed the dog who is completely blind but sense of smell is top notch and therefore he was not impressed that he was being dragged out whilst there is food potentially going.

Got back, and got started, meeting friend at 12.30, accounting for it taking 20 mins to get there, I had just over 2 hours to get cracking, was all going well until I went to take the first box to the shed, it was full of empty boxes.  Oh shit, they have been there ages, since Christmas, must be because Master had asked me to take them to the recycling centre and that was before we went into this last lockdown...oh heck that means since the middle of January.

Right, it's no good, desperate times call for desperate measures, I was going to have to get the kids to help, and they did albeit unenthusiastically, I went to the shed, breaking down all the boxes, thought right shove them in the boot of car I can take them to recycling centre on way back from lunch, nope they are shut will have to do it Monday, they can stay in boot until then.

Had to go get changed for lunch, all was left was a pile of stuff to keep and to be allocated a home, did cross my mind to shove it all back in cupboard, but that quickly passed my mind, 2nd option shove it in youngest son's bedroom temporarily, he offered which is suspicious in itself but no what goes in there is never likely to see the light of day again so ok that can wait until I get back.

Lunch was lovely, it's only been since Monday that cafes etc can open up for outside seating only, the weather was nice, although wind was a tad chilly, but it was nice to catch up with my friend, got home about 2.40, texted Master to ask what time he thought he would be home and got a smiley face icon in reply, really!! very helpful.

Sorted out the final boxes of stuff, and had over an hour left before he did get home, yep I was well pleased with myself, started dinner, bass fillets with a lemon and caper dressing, and salad perfect!

But, (oh why is there always a but) he asked if the charity shop boxes fitted in the shed....and I knew, he knew that I hadn't got rid of all the boxes he had asked me to do months ago, and he knew that I knew he knew (still with me lol) and now he is waiting to see if I'm going to start digging myself a hole!

Oh no, I know better, you can take that shovel, I know when I have been caught out, so out it spilled, that I had completely forgotten about the boxes until that morning, which was the truth, he understood he said, ye haw no 'discussion' and then just when I thought all was ok, he suggested that perhaps we need to go back to day-to-day management.....when he suggests things, it's not really a suggestion, it's a "this is what is going to happen"  

So, today is Sunday evening, we spent this afternoon going through my week, I wrote down my plans etc, afterwards he went through it with his red pen, crossing out, altering, adding, honestly I would rather have had a 'discussion' problem is he knows that!


  1. Hi Claire,

    This was so relatable, it had me laughing in tears!

    oooh the pre-planning with the parsley, yes, i'm familiar with tricks like that one.

    1. Hi Bleue,

      I was laughing at myself, but boy was I worn out that day! haha yeah the parsley, well every little bit helps lol

  2. HAHAH. i can't say I understand completely as i'm the crazy do-er around these parts. And when I organise, I ORGANISE! I'm constantly repacking and clearing out things and sending things off. My whole family is under constant threat of being asked what they need to give away. ALL THE TIME. So um, all I can say is, maybe this will inspire you to be better at clearing out stuff consistently rather than waiting years and years? LOL. Good luck with the upcoming schedule of things-to-do!

    1. In general I'm organised because he makes me organised, left to my own devices I doubt very much I would be well not to the extent he is!

      I do feel much happier the cupboard is done, and yes I certainly don't want to leave it or anything else so long again, although the schedule has seen to that lol, however that went out the window this week as we had an unexpected family situation.

  3. OMG! that is so totally me!! Minus the Sheriff stepping in and punishing me for not doing whatever it was. But the piles of clothes everywhere! The kid is 17 and we just got rid of all of the little clothes!

    Thank you for making sure I am not alone!

    1. lol glad to know I'm not alone also, my youngest is 17 and I avoid his bedroom, although I'm thinking I am going to have to get him to have a clear out soon, open the door and well the smell..not pleasant!

  4. mmmmmmmmmm I am kinda with Fondles - between my minimalist personality and the OCD it's not too often that stuff accumulates around here. BUT reverse the positions - sub trying to clear out the Dom's stuff and you can see it can be difficult for us organising subs too (grinning)

    1. lol I can imagine your frustration then at clearing out Sir Steve's things, now that isn't an issue for me because of my Master's organisation and in general around the house it's organised, but that cupboard well I think it's simply because it's out of sight, certainly won't be letting it get like it again!

  5. Lol! Life! And I can relate to the mindset of " Oh for heavensake just beat me already- it's far easier" lol.

    As to the parsley, i'll take it one further. I have a friend who used to have a scheduled spanking every Sunday night. Sometimes she'd make roast chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy the whole nine yards because her husband would end up too full and sleepy. Lmao! Not quite a garnish, but still funny. Lol


    1. LOL I love that willie!! wonder if he ever put 2 and 2 together LOL

    2. oh yes willie, at least the beating would have been over and done with lol

      Love your friend's plan, so funny good on her lol wouldn't work here though as it would just be deferred to the next day and probably worse if he suspected what I was up to and he probably would.

  6. Oh, the smile reading this, oh goodness yes highly relatable. Master is a bit of a neat nick, which He will argue with His dying breath He's not. The parsley on the eggs, oh goodness mouse does that too, just to give a little zip of niceness.

    So glad to read about your life claire, it makes mouse not feel as lonely.


    1. Hi mouse,

      Ah yes, my Master tends to say it's not that he is Mr. super organised but just that he likes things done properly and in an orderly fashion....yeah right that equals in my mind an organiser to the extreme lol

      Thank you mouse, I have enjoyed reading your posts, I am hoping when time permits to be able to read further back on your blog, goodness you have been blogging some time.

  7. Hey Windy,

    I do type quite fast especially in frustration, which I was certainly feeling when I wrote this, after having watching my week be turned upside down and inside out lol

    nope I'm not the best organiser, however he organises me so I am but only because he sees to it that I am, left to my own devices well yeah chaos maybe, I have a more laid back attitude, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it :)


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